Enjoy the new version and please report bugs. 
I really do enjoy it and since I like it so much and do some silly Let's Play from time to time, I made a Kroniax LP.

So it seems I'll have to keep pounding on that 5th level...

Since I needed a logo for my intro I quickly smashed something together and added it in the attachment if for some strange reasons you'd wanted to use it.
The only 'bug' I found is, that it can sometimes happen if you press space when a dialog is shown, that the focus jumps to the bigger window, hidding the dialog and it nearly seems as if the game has crashed, but it's just unresponsive since there's a dialog open.
Personally I wouldn't use a second window, it doesn't look very nice and it has the describe issue and probably others.
In connection with that, the most annoying thing are actually the dialogs and that one can only navigate through them with the mouse, which forces me to constantly grab the mouse. Also if I select a level it's quite obvious I want to play it, the confirmation dialog is just annoying. You should show the difficulty and other info directly when selecting it, rather than in that dialog.
Anyways, thanks for the great game and keep up the nice work!

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