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Messages - Xeshi

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 25, 2011, 01:59:20 pm »
Quote from: "Tank"
Go for the first version. Never ever use the heap when there's not a good reason to do so!

So how best to do it?
Do not want to tangle with the inheritance, I do not have much experience to be able to write it well.

Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:31:25 pm »
Quote from: "devlin"
That is correct.

It's the way which means the least changes for you.

Sorry that such a long time, but I did not have access to a computer at the moment. After the change does not display anything to me, I have a black screen. I changed only this entry which I have said.

I tried to use the index at all when creating a Sprite, but that does not display anything. Stowrzyłem simplest example code. Image Creation, loading the file, create a Sprite and view it using the index and, unfortunately, does not show it. By using simple variable is all about

Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:21:38 pm »
Quote from: "devlin"
The easiest way for you would most likely be to include "iBall" inside the Ball class as a member of that class, instead of declaring it inside the constructor.

And please, don't make it a pointer like everything else. ;)

Like this:

Code: [Select]

class Ball
/* removed for easier reading */
     sf::Image iBall;

Ball::Ball(float xP, float yP)
   if(! iBall.LoadFromFile("pilka.bmp") )
/* removed for easier reading */

So Image obiekt is to be in the class, and his statement is to be in the constructor?

I realized my mistake. By creating an image object in the constructor it was local, and after exiting the constructor was removed, so show me a white rectangle.

Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 21, 2011, 12:40:36 pm »
Quote from: "devlin"
Ugh - apart from abusing pointers everywhere even when not needed - and a static renderwindow, your image file goes out of scope when leaving the Ball::Ball constructor. Thus, the image is no longer available when you're trying to draw the sprite.

Please read the documentation here:

Especially this part:
It is important to note that the sf::Sprite instance doesn't copy the image that it uses, it only keeps a reference to it. Thus, a sf::Image must not be destructed while it is used by a sf::Sprite (i.e. never write a function that uses a local sf::Image instance for creating a sprite).

Thanks For Help.
How is the easiest way to fix?

This is my first advanced program. Just learning C++ with the library SFML.

Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 21, 2011, 11:51:00 am »
Quote from: "Tank"
Do you give all the code?

Would be helpful to see more than your snippets, yes.

Code: [Select]
#include "App.hpp"
#include "Ball.hpp"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <iostream>

sf::RenderWindow* App::pApp;
pApp= new sf::RenderWindow;
pApp->Create(sf::VideoMode(800,600, 32), "okno");

delete pApp;
std::cout<<"Wywoładno destruktor klasy App";
void App::ServiceEvent()
sf::Event Event;
while( pApp->GetEvent(Event) )
if( Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::Escape || Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed) { pApp->Close(); }
if( Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::Right) { /*przesun platforme w prawo */}

void App::Run()
Ball Ball(20.0f, 20.0f);
while( pApp->IsOpened() )

Code: [Select]

#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
class App
void ServiceEvent();
void Run();
//static float ElapsedTime;
static sf::RenderWindow *pApp; //wskaźnik na okno

Code: [Select]

#pragma once
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include "App.hpp"
class Ball
Ball(float x, float y); //x, y pozycja poczatkowa pilki
void Update();
sf::Sprite *pBall; //wskaźnik na obiekt piłki
float x; //pozycja na osi x
float y; //pozycja na osi y
float vy; //predkosc na osi y
float vx; //predkosc na osi x
int width; //Wymiary okna
int height; //do wyswietlania


Code: [Select]

#include "Ball.hpp"
#include "App.hpp"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <iostream>

//konstruktor, zaladowanie obrazu pilki 32x32px
Ball::Ball(float xP, float yP)
std::cout <<"Wywołano: Konstruktor Ball" <<std::endl;
sf::Image iBall;
if(! iBall.LoadFromFile("pilka.bmp") )
std::cout <<"Blad ladowania bitmapy pilki" <<std::endl;
std::cout <<"Zaladowano poprawnie bitmape pilki" <<std::endl;
iBall.CreateMaskFromColor( sf::Color::Black, 255 );
//sf::Sprite sBall;
pBall = new sf::Sprite;
pBall->SetImage( iBall );
pBall->SetPosition(xP, yP);
pBall->SetScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
x= xP;
y= yP;
vx= 100;
vy= 100;
width= App::pApp->GetWidth();
height= App::pApp->GetHeight();
//Koniec konstruktora

void Ball::Update()
float ElapsedTime= App::pApp->GetFrameTime();
// std::cout<<"Funkcja update wywołana" <<std::endl;
x+= vx * ElapsedTime;
y+= vy * ElapsedTime;
pBall->SetPosition(x, y);
//int width= App::pApp->GetWidth();
//int height= App::pApp->GetHeight();

if( x >= (width-32) )
x= width-32;
vx*= -1;
if( x<= 0 )
vx*= -1;
if( y>= (height-32))
y= height-32;
vy*= -1;
if( y <= 0 )
vy*= -1;
y= 0;
App::pApp->Draw( *pBall );

Code: [Select]

//Plik glowny pileczki :) Made by KeeL
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include "App.hpp"
int main()
std::cout<<"Sterowanie strzałkami";
//App app;
App *pPoint= new App;
//pPoint-> ~App();
return 0;

Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 21, 2011, 11:37:11 am »
Quote from: "Tank"
The pointer itself isn't the problem. Again I looked at your code, and there's "iBall", which seems to be put on stack. Are you sure the variable iBall is still there when you're drawing your sprite?

sf::Sprite only holds a reference to sf::Image and does not copy it. And since C++ doesn't have reference counting, you may get problems here.

"iBall" is normaln var of class Image. It is certainly.

Do you give all the code?

Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 21, 2011, 10:50:15 am »
Quote from: "Tank"
Please always try to provide a minimal example to reproduce your problem. Whereas it already seems to be rather minimalistic, you have a call to "App::pApp" and we have to guess how your code structure looks like. ;)

Here's a minimal example you can use to test if sprites with images get displayed correctly at all:

Code: [Select]
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>

int main() {
sf::RenderWindow window( sf::VideoMode( 800, 600, 16 ), "Test" );

sf::Image image;
image.LoadFromFile( "obrazek.bmp" );

sf::Sprite sprite( image );

window.Draw( sprite );

sf::Sleep( 3.f );
return 0;

If that works, try to add CreateMaskFromColor() etc. (hopefully the code above is okay, it's untested)

P.S.: Google Translator does a good job nowadays. ;)

This example works well. Only, if I use pointer to Sprite displaying error.
The code to create pointer for the window.
Code: [Select]

pApp= new sf::RenderWindow;
pApp->Create(sf::VideoMode(800,600, 32), "okno");


Graphics / Error displaying, pointer to Sprite
« on: March 21, 2011, 07:35:58 am »
sorry for my English, I use google translate to translate.

I have problem with pointer to Sprite. I use dynamic memory to create new obiekt Sprite. Unfortunately, show me the white rectangle instead of my picture. Picture is certainly ok. This is my code:
Code: [Select]

        if(! iBall.LoadFromFile("obrazek.bmp") )
                std::cout <<"Blad ladowania bitmapy pilki" <<std::endl;
                std::cout <<"Zaladowano poprawnie bitmape pilki" <<std::endl;
        iBall.CreateMaskFromColor( sf::Color::Black, 255 );
        //sf::Sprite sBall;
        pBall = new sf::Sprite;
        pBall->SetImage( iBall );
        pBall->SetPosition(xP, yP);
        pBall->SetScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
        App::pApp->Draw( *pBall );

Please Help me.[/code]

Pages: [1]