Window / Creating OpenGL 3.2 Context
« on: November 07, 2009, 01:15:01 pm »
As the topic says: How do i create an OpenGL 3.2 Context with SFML. I saw in some tutorial[1] that for SDL you would just have to call SDL_GL_SetAttribute(). Is there an equivalent way for doing this with SFML?
[1] http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Tutorial1:_Creating_a_Cross_Platform_OpenGL_3.2_Context_in_SDL_(C_/_SDL)
As the topic says: How do i create an OpenGL 3.2 Context with SFML. I saw in some tutorial[1] that for SDL you would just have to call SDL_GL_SetAttribute(). Is there an equivalent way for doing this with SFML?
[1] http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Tutorial1:_Creating_a_Cross_Platform_OpenGL_3.2_Context_in_SDL_(C_/_SDL)