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Topics - mcphee.d

Pages: [1]
Network / sf::Packet.Clear() heap corruption?
« on: August 27, 2011, 06:05:16 am »

I have this simple server code, taken pretty much directly from the selector tutorial:
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void mv_server::listen_loop() {
while(1) {
if(selector.Wait()) {
if(selector.IsReady(listener)) {
sf::TcpSocket* client = new sf::TcpSocket();
if(listener.Accept(*client) == sf::Socket::Done) {
else {
for(std::vector<sf::TcpSocket*>::iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); it++) {
sf::TcpSocket& client = **it;
if(selector.IsReady(client)) {
sf::Packet recv_packet;
sf::Packet send_packet;
if(client.Receive(recv_packet) == sf::Socket::Done) {
std::string got;
recv_packet >> got;
std::cout << "The client said: " << got << std::endl;
send_packet << "Got yo message yo";

This function is in an sf::thread which is called earlier.

Then, this simple client code:

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if(e.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
if(e.Key.Code == sf::Keyboard::A) {
//send a message to our server
if(connected_to_dude) {
sf::Packet p;
p << "We pressed A";
int status = connection_dude.Send(p);
std::string got;
p >> got;
std::cout << "Server says " << got << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sent status: " << status << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "connect first!" << std::endl;

Running this and triggering that event crashes the program, complaining of a heap corruption. If I remove that "p.Clear()" there, it doesn't crash. However, I now have to pop two items off the packet to get my server's response, right? So I do

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std::string got;
std::string got2;
p >> got >> got2;

...and it crashes with the same heap corruption.

Am I missing something? I left out various instantiations to save on space; if you need any more info let me know!

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