I'm sure there is a huge bunch of people eager to assist you in making SFML work on Android (and other platforms)!
If so, they can already start working on it

I already got contributions, even partial ports for iOS in the past, and those definitely help me today. But I never got anything for Android

I already started porting SFML to Android (and Raspberry Pi btw) and I'm having the entire framework working except the network module which hasn't yet been ported. https://github.com/Sonkun/esfml (branch Android)
Awesome! I'll have a look at your work.
As for SFML 2.2, I think you should focus on adding support for OpenGL ES 1.1 first, as it doesn't take much effort (OpenGL ES 1.1 being close to OpenGL 2.x).
This is exactly what I'm doing. As long as OpenGL ES 2.0 is not required, I won't break the rendering API.
A iOS port needs OpenGL ES 1.x supported and won't be possible without redesigning the entire window module. In my humble opinion, you should keep this huge API break for SFML3.0 and concentrate on adding interesting features such a video module, signal&slot to the system module, etc. and all this stuff without breaking the API.
The iOS port will be ported to the current API. I may add some features, but I won't redesign anything. If I design a specific API that better suits mobile devices, that won't happen before SFML 3.
So, to summarize: iOS + current API + OpenGL ES 1.1 = quickly done.
BTW: I am using .net binding but you have mistake on website in .net 32bit binding link - sfml-dev.org/download/sfml.net/SFML.Net-2.0-32bits.zip
Fixed, thank you.
I'm kinda missing a feature list. If you send a new user to the website and ask him to answer the question "What is SFML?" he won't be able to properly answer it, since he can't get any information on what SFML really is.
I hope that people will know what SFML is
before visiting the website. And the homepage says that SFML is a C++ library that deals with graphics, audio, network and windowing. I think it's enough to get the feeling of what SFML does. Details are in the documentation and tutorials.
You also might want to update the release thread, but I guess you haven't forgotten that and you're still compiling the huge, huge change log.
Done. No changelog this time, I gave up a long time ago. There's one for SFML 2.0 RC, but it's incomplete and inconsistent (since the naming conventions have changed).