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Re: SFML Game Jam Submissions!
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2013, 07:59:30 pm »
I wonder if we can update games now that everybody post them, Jebbs ?

Go for it!

I have a request for everyone too! If you did some interesting during the jam, make a wiki entry about it. :)
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Re: SFML Game Jam Submissions!
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2013, 08:07:38 pm »
Where is your game?
If you make it a 3-month competition I might be able to compete ;D
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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Re: SFML Game Jam Submissions!
« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2013, 08:23:33 pm »
Where is your game?
If you make it a 3-month competition I might be able to compete ;D

If you start now you might finish by the end of the next jam. :P
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Re: SFML Game Jam Submissions!
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2013, 09:17:41 pm »
Fun thing and nice graphics! Plus nice music. It's rare to see a programmer that is also a talented artist. Not sure if it really makes enough use of the theme, seems like almost an afterthought. I feel this game would be very similar if you removed the lights & shadow.

I like how it looks. Except for the font. I just skipped the text... too unreadable. But you know that already. The controls feel kinda laggy, I barely made it to the second level. Could have something to do with playing it on a virtualbox, since the assembly wouldn't run with mono. Overall the duality idea is cool, and I think it has potential.

I like this. With some adjustments (I'd make it faster!), this could be a truly addicting game, just like the similar 3d games. Needs audio (plus some punchy, trancey technotrack?). The space key doesn't seem to do anything.

Very nice! A bit short, of course, but the basics are there. So far, I feel this is the game that makes most use of the Lights & Shadows idea*. Like Lightspeed, I think this could benefit from some music to help inmersion. Gameplay wise, I could see this going two ways: puzzle or action. If the former, IMO, it needs more depth than just a labyrinth, if the latter, it needs to be faster.

Just my 2 ยข. Hope I don't offend anyone. All in all, nice collection of little games. I'll try the rest when I get a chance to boot Windows.

*and my own, but I might be biased there  ::) One other thing those two games have in common, is we tried our hands at some sort of reconstruction of 3d from a 2d world, because it's easier to have shadows if you have volume. Fun stuff.


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Re: SFML Game Jam Submissions!
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2013, 09:55:33 pm »
I like how it looks. Except for the font. I just skipped the text... too unreadable. But you know that already. The controls feel kinda laggy, I barely made it to the second level. Could have something to do with playing it on a virtualbox, since the assembly wouldn't run with mono. Overall the duality idea is cool, and I think it has potential.

I entirely agree about the text, that's why I'm currently searching for a new one. The problem was that I didn't realize until too late that the font that I had choose did not support punctuation, therefore with no time to find a new one I choose to drop the punctuation.

As for the controls, they do need tweaking - me and my brother are fine with them but another one of my friends was raining fireballs about them :P The lag could also be from a low frame rate, the first thing I would change about it would be to optimize the drawing code (currently nothing is batched at all and the larger levels max out a core in my i7).
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 10:00:38 pm by zsbzsb »
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Re: SFML Game Jam Submissions!
« Reply #35 on: August 06, 2013, 04:15:08 pm »
Lumenumbra :

I really like the concept, it's simple but immersive. I really imagine myself between buildings, finding my way. We really think it's 3D because of shapes. We just need more levels !

Thanks! That's exactly the effect I desired!

Very nice! A bit short, of course, but the basics are there. So far, I feel this is the game that makes most use of the Lights & Shadows idea*. Like Lightspeed, I think this could benefit from some music to help inmersion. Gameplay wise, I could see this going two ways: puzzle or action. If the former, IMO, it needs more depth than just a labyrinth, if the latter, it needs to be faster.

Heheh, I'm going for the puzzle type. I know the game is quite short, unoptimized, and still needs polishing, which is why I opened a thread about it on the Projects board. Stay tuned for more levels and bug fixes and cookies!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 04:17:55 pm by Aster »