Updates!New Drawable!
Gallery Sprite (
A sprite class that also stores texture rectangles so a single texture section can be recalled by a single value. Useful for spritesheets - even irregular ones!
Note that if you also use Plinth, you can pair this with Plinth's Frame Sequence to simplify frame animation (they were actually originally created to be used together). Eeach frame can have separate settings - including duration - and can use exhibits in any order as well as use them more than once.Each texture rectangle also has an accompanying 'anchor' point by which the sprite is offset automatically. The texture rectangle and anchor are stored in a struct called "Exhibit" and this is the name given to an individual sprite 'frame' (hence the name Gallery Sprite).
Changing the exhibit can be done by specifying a specific exhibit or by adding or subtracting values from the object itself which offsets the exhibit number.
Console Screen (
wiki) (
change log)
The colours in the palette can now be 'cycled' e.g. colour-cycling. This can affect the entire palette or just a range of the colours and can be cycled in either direction.
Scrolling can now be restrained to a specified rectangular region instead of only being able to scroll the entire screen.
Console Screen can now inform you of the "perfect size" - the recommended size, in pixels, of the screen so that it would display the texture at its exact original size.
Starfield (
The colour of the stars can now be altered without having to regenerate the entire starfield.
Line (
When a thick line is used, it can now be textured.
Bitmap Text (
The local and global bounds are now available.
Selba Ward Demo Animation 2016Still working on this demo animation that is intended to show the drawables in action.
All visuals in the demo are Selba Ward drawables and
all resources used in the demo are/will be created by myself.
When it's ready, there will be available a full video of the animation.
For now though, here's a screenshot of the opening section (yes, this is Console Screen):

Hopefully, the animation will be finished soon otherwise it might need to be changed to 2017!