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Author Topic: Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt  (Read 4659 times)

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Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt
« on: December 05, 2017, 03:49:20 am »

I released this mini game today (source included).  It was developed over the weekend.  I'm happy with how it turned out but the bigger reason I wanted to post this is because I only downloaded/installed/learned SFML starting late last week.  It's a testament to how easy SFML really is to learn so mostly I just wanted to congratulate the devs on an awesome job!  (The documentation page on setting up with Visual Studio is perfect and the documentation/help threads were also very useful when I needed them.)

I come from a background of Allegro originally and I loved the simplicity of HGE back when it was still being developed.  I now use Leadwerks for 3D (again, C/C++) but I wanted to learn a new engine and use only 2D for this competition.  Thanks again for everything!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 12:11:09 pm by eXpl0it3r »


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Re: Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2017, 08:49:13 am »
You must be a talented programmer too to make a game in C++ using a new library so quickly while most (me included) can't manage to get out of prototype stage for years with that.
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Re: Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 09:24:23 am »
Looks quite interesting, will definitely give the game a try later on.

It's a testament to how easy SFML really is to learn so mostly I just wanted to congratulate the devs on an awesome job!  (The documentation page on setting up with Visual Studio is perfect and the documentation/help threads were also very useful when I needed them.)
It's refreshing to hear that! :)
When you look at the amount of people struggling with reading and following the tutorial step by step, I often feel like it's an issue on our side. So I'm glad to hear that not everyone struggles with it. I guess it's mostly just inexperienced developers who struggle to understand the instructions.
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Re: Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 11:53:39 am »
link doesn't work


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Re: Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2017, 07:28:21 pm »
You must be a talented programmer too to make a game in C++ using a new library so quickly while most (me included) can't manage to get out of prototype stage for years with that.
I wouldn't say that.  I've had years of practice and a lot of incomplete projects under my belt.  It's just a matter of practice practice practice.  And Ludum Dare forces you to keep it simple, which, if you look even at just the graphics folder, I do (something like 4 tiles & only 1 sprite frame).

When you look at the amount of people struggling with reading and following the tutorial step by step, I often feel like it's an issue on our side. So I'm glad to hear that not everyone struggles with it. I guess it's mostly just inexperienced developers who struggle to understand the instructions.
I get the frustration.  It's a tough balance of too little/too much information but you can't teach everyone everything every page.

link doesn't work
I just tried it again and it worked for me but here's the itch.io link too: https://gamecreatorc.itch.io/burden-of-dirt