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Author Topic: Ultimate Zombie Fighters  (Read 38307 times)

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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2010, 09:21:46 pm »
Thanks for the reply! I hope the source code wil help me to learn Box2D =)
Thanks again and Good Luck! =D


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2010, 04:12:33 pm »
Here's a few more ideas, I'll put them on ur wiki later....

This ones for when you guys are a lil closer to version 2.0
On your website make a BIG download free button at the top of the page, make it pick a random mirror with a script and immediately start downloading, then on the " oh great you downloaded it" page add links for help, FAQ, and other stuff you think they should see

For single player mode only make the weapon, zombie, vehicle, survivor attributes in a txt file, so if you are bored you can make the flamethrower have infinite ammo and fire 360 degrees around you

Is there gonna be split screen?

I like the green zombie who can infect you thing, please add this, it'll make your game unique

Also... I'm pretty sure I promised you I would benchmark your game... Well I didn't sorry, but now I will... I'll make a few virtual machines with what I think will be your games system requirements and make them weaker until your game cannot run properly

Broadcast locating FTW, but make it so only half the zombies hear you

Lastly, have you thought about things like zombie cows? Or zombie crows? Maybe even not zombie stampedes of animals to signal the coming of the zombie horde? Won't that be great, you suddenly find your building surrounded by stampeding cows before the zombies come


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #47 on: September 19, 2010, 05:11:04 am »
For single player mode only make the weapon, zombie, vehicle, survivor attributes in a txt file
They are... although a XML file more specifically.

Is there gonna be split screen?
I vote for this as well. Although, this shouldn't be a high priority (there are many things that need to be developed first, see wiki).

Also... I'm pretty sure I promised you I would benchmark your game..
At the moment there's not much to benchmark. Once the game implements leaky spawn system (correctly) then there will be something to benchmark (hundreds or even thousands of active units on the map).

Lastly, have you thought about things like zombie cows? Or zombie crows
Yes, I've thought of other types of zombies (see the wiki). As for crows, that falls under zombies classified as "Kamikaze". I'm still undecided on the name, but it describes their aerial suicidal attacks. I believe there is room for more types of zombies though.


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #48 on: September 19, 2010, 07:43:24 am »
For single player mode only make the weapon, zombie, vehicle, survivor attributes in a txt file, so if you are bored you can make the flamethrower have infinite ammo and fire 360 degrees around you

Actually the weapon and zombie data are all modifiable. They are defined in data/xml/zombies.xml and data/xml/weapons.xml. From there you can modify all the properties of the zombies and weapons. Also we did try to make a flamethrower once when we were bored ;)

Is there gonna be split screen?

Hmm thats interesting. Because the aiming is done with the mouse it means that only one player can use it. However maybe the other player can use a joystick or aim with keyboard (either numpad or keys to rotate). It would be much easier than doing LAN thats for sure.

Also... I'm pretty sure I promised you I would benchmark your game... Well I didn't sorry, but now I will... I'll make a few virtual machines with what I think will be your games system requirements and make them weaker until your game cannot run properly

So far I've noticed that most  modern machines run the game well. However one PC with intel integrated graphics was not very smooth.

Lastly, have you thought about things like zombie cows? Or zombie crows? Maybe even not zombie stampedes of animals to signal the coming of the zombie horde? Won't that be great, you suddenly find your building surrounded by stampeding cows before the zombies come

Haha zombie cows :D. I think Recruit0 put up something related to zombie crows that attack in swarms on the wiki. Having non-zombie characters is quite interesting actually, I never thought about that.


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Open source
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2010, 04:02:53 pm »
Have you heard of a game called battle tanks?

It has split screen, LAN, and split screen with LAN, which is exactly what your game should have, it is open source so you can go inside and have a look

Also I posted a few ideas on your wiki and forum, and I read the story, which is awesome, but it needs some refining.... I'll help out!


Make an outline of the story first, then write in the details


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2010, 07:26:17 am »
No I've never heard of battle tanks before. It looks quite fun.

I guess I could have a look at the code but since it doesn't use SFML, not much of it will be applicable.

Thanks for contributing to the wiki as well.

I'd like to make an update as well. These days are very busy for me becuase of assignments and exams. My spare time gets spent on other things as well. That's why I am not able to contribute to uzf as much. Even after exams, I have work so I'll still be busy. So I'm unsure whether or not I'll be able to continue working on uzf. Maybe if I am free some time, then I can add some small features and just leave uzf as a small game. Also I may try to clean up the code and document it so that others may add to it. While there are some great ideas out there, I also have a lot of other things I would like to spend my time on so I do not think I will be work on uzf a lot.


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #51 on: October 04, 2010, 06:25:49 am »
I get it, make documentation and point people to sfml and the other stuff you used, I've seen really old games get revived and after being made awesome, they are abandonded again. perhaps someday someone will pick up your game. Be sure to make it as pretty and bug free before you leave it though, you want to attract developers not repulse them... well buy bye have a nice Australian(?) life

recomend sfml to your loved ones and fellow developers, it is a good library


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2010, 09:06:38 am »
Thanks for the advice. Yeah I do need to clean up and document things so that other can use it.

well buy bye have a nice Australian(?) life

It's New Zealand actually ;)

recomend sfml to your loved ones and fellow developers, it is a good library

Yeah definately. SFML is my favourite multimedia library.


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #53 on: October 20, 2010, 01:17:55 pm »
Hi there ! I played with your game, and i have to say : nice job ! (But I can't finish the 8th level >.<)
Well, I read your sources, and I like the way you made your engine, so, I was wondering if I could draw inspiration from your code ?

PS : Sorry for the English, it's not my language ^^


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2010, 03:47:25 am »
Sure go ahead. It's all open source so you can copy/extend it anyway you want.

Just a warning though: there might be some small bugs and inconsistencies in the engine that I haven't fixed yet. But overall it works quite nicely for me.


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2010, 02:21:17 pm »
Ok, thanks a lot. If I see a bug or something I'll report it to you.


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #56 on: October 31, 2010, 02:16:29 am »
Do you mind passing along some links for learning about factories? I had a look through your code and I'm a little intimidated.

(Kind of a beginner here...)


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #57 on: October 31, 2010, 02:55:59 am »
I'm a bit shaky with my design pattern knowledge as well. But here is basically what I know:

A factory basically creates and returns objects.

Say I have a class called Enemy. And say that I have some other classes called Zombie, Robot and Ninja that are inherit Enemy. I can then make a EnemyFactory class that let's me easily create any type of enemy along with it's color and HP. For example:

Code: [Select]
Enemy *someEnemy = EnemyFactory::create("Robot", "red", 100);

This will create a red Robot with 100 health.

I needed something like this in UZF so that I could create objects from strings scanned from xml files.


I couldn't find any good links about learning about factories myself. Probably best to google it and read what's there.


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #58 on: October 31, 2010, 02:04:46 pm »
Zloxx II: action platformer
Thor Library: particle systems, animations, dot products, ...
SFML Game Development:


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Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« Reply #59 on: October 31, 2010, 09:23:00 pm »
That's a nice website.

Thanks for the link Nexus.

