Does it mean the rendering process was consuming too much time ?
Not too much time. Simply, our requirements were unreasonable at that time and at that place.
In any case 200 frames per second, 5ms per frame... Although it could make it we wouldn't *see* it (refresh monitor limits). Nowdays 3D monitor refreshes the screen to 120hz or so. AND... too fast for the human visual pathway
Our solution for rendering (more or less) was:
First. A thread for rendering.
Second. When a new frame was adquired from camera (SAPERA calls to our callback function)...
We test if the render process was busy(with an old frame).
- if yes, the new frame was not rendered (discard rendering).
- if no, the new frame is rendered (concurrently).
Here, the character recognition process (in very broad outlines) <- Industrial secret
The callback function returns. The system is ready for new frames.
Sorry for my English!
P.S: SAPERA is the adquisition card driver