I have this issue too.
I also get these linker errors with the latest build from glew.
But I have set my own lib of glew as input in cmake, since my project is a .dll and relies on a fix I made inside glew. Since there is no preprocessor switch I know whch tells glew that it is used as .dll I am wondering what can cause this. Any Idea?
I also got the ATI Bug, but well, I will wait for a fix.
I really would like to integrate sfml into my (large) project and get rid of sdl since sfml has more to offer.
Unfortunately, I rely on SFML2 since I need to use an OpenGL 3.x core profile.
I reverted my Drivers to 11.1. It went slightly better, the Application actually entered my code. Before, it hung when loading the ati-dlls. But now window was shown either.
I made the window to be shown after calling sf::RenderWindow::SetFramelimit(100).
Here is the code:
sf::ContextSettings context;
context.AntialiasingLevel = m_settings.getFsaa();
context.DepthBits = m_settings.getDepth();
context.MajorVersion = 3;
context.MinorVersion = 3;
context.StencilBits = 24;
m_window.Create(sf::VideoMode(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_settings.width), static_cast<unsigned int>(m_settings.height),
m_settings.getDepth()), m_settings.caption, flags, context);
Vertical Sync was false in this case. When Vertical Sync is true, it does also show without SetFrameLimit.
Hope this helps you debugging your code.
Next Problem:
My renderer is telling me this:
[NLWindowGL] OpenGL Vendor String: ATI Technologies Inc.
[NLWindowGL] OpenGL Version: 3.3.10428 Compatibility Profile Context
[NLWindowGL] OpenGL Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Any chance to get a Core Profile?
I won't use any sfml function to render sprites or so, I have my own classes in place.