What a marvelous topic to read

I am a little too fresh blood to have anything good to tell, but i will try !
So, first of all, a big UP for all you guys for being such inspiring people, and another big UP for communication, which makes these community a little better every day!
I go by the name of Artur Moreira, usually known as DevilWithin, like a programmer/gamer nickname, taken from somewhere in the Tekken series, which i loved since ever (probably one of the first games i played was Tekken 3).
I was born and live in Portugal, in a really confortable city near Porto. I love to learn languages that are way outside my confort zone, but i am only proficient with english and portuguese! I love to discuss religion, some politics, human behaviour, and i like to answer every question that pops in my head, i have huge creativity strikes, and really void periods, but i guess thats normal! Anyway i love to find a justification for why people act the way they do, how racional are we?
I am 19 years old and unlike you guys, i didn't start early to program. Actually, until i was like 15, i didnt know how programs were made, at all.
But, at age 15, i started for good, and its been an intense ride so far! I picked up C language, old school and learnt it good. I took a little high school course about programming basics and general computer stuff. In the day i was learning the boring stuff i wouldnt look for on my own, reinforcing my knowledge and in the night learning way more advanced concepts in C and then C++, testing myself constantly by writing programs from all kinds. Also making side projects with new languages at all times.
So, in those three years i was learning a lot about everything, made a lot of software and then started on games and never stoped again! I used to play with OpenGL and basic stuff, making little demos, putting in PhysX physics, etc etc it was a bit overwhelming, but i kept going, learning from everywhere and those skills got better with time.
After those three years, i felt good about my knowledge, but also that it wasnt near my ambition yet, so i entered a Computer Science course in "Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto" which i currently attend in the second year of my studies. Since then, i really went for top skills in programming, so i try to understand everything really good, to become an amazing programmer.
Like an year ago, i started a little engine to assist me in my games, using a few libraries like SFML and it simply evolved into a bigger project, with a really nice concept, my Parabola Engine, which i am really proud of, even tough its not done yet. Concurrently, i also program the games i really feel like doing! About this engine, i plan to release it completely free, to REALLY help people make their games, that would be the face of my company, a little like SFML community and then there would be the games i make for sale! I'm really trying to have a decent build for a first release these days, but there so much to do and so little time

While i do all these things, i also work full time in a Phone Store to make some cash!
Along the way i learnt how to play the guitar quite well, which was one of the best decisions i have ever had. I also developed my skills with visual arts as far as i could, learning to paint, model and other things!
My dream is to keep going in indie game industry, opening a small company, with a home-office, a website and my games for sale! This should be one-step away, as soon as i make a good-selling game.
I would love to have a team to make these games, but i am just waiting for the right people to show up, since most teams dont have what it takes to suceed as a group. For a reason i've tried to master the different areas of game development

I still have to find time for my girlfriend in themiddle of all of this, and i love to make long training sessions with my boxing bag

I would really like to get to know you people even better, by talking and sharing ideas more often. I wouldnt even mind to speak to each one of you every day in any IM software, as it would be a rich experience! I know like one person that makes games besides me! Some feedback about our projects is always welcome!
Also, im a boring guy because i wrote all this stuff ahha