I'm building a project with SFML using
Premake as my build system. Since Premake is super cool, I figured other people would also want to use Premake with SFML in their projects. Premake is a great build system, and it makes it really easy to build cross-platform configurations. SFML support for that only makes it far better.
It makes me sad that everyone is adopting CMake when we have Premake. I shall still make the best of it, however, and I hope you will also.
I'm going to release this under the ZLib license, the same thing SFML uses (amazing license). I don't know if this is even legal, since it's got some SFML stuff in it, but I think it is. If it's not legal, or moral, or anything, tell me. I'm just trying to (over)protect myself.
It's kind of just a template right now. There's a bunch of information in the comments, so read them. This is just kind of me sharing a file right now, but it can be more in the future. I'm not going to go to those measures unless someone actually cares.
here's the code. Have fun. (I know you will!)