Looks pretty nice and I love the speed-button. I always hated it when you have to wait ten million seconds till you know what's up. I would make it slower before the last sound is played, since most of the time you already know what to press and you're just waiting for the last sound to appear.
It'd be great if you could let us know how to post a screen shot :?:
I think you might be right about the last sound being played a little slower.
I think further improvements could be made as well - like getting rid of the message box, and implement a different way of letting the user know they've pressed a wrong button, and what button they should have pressed.
A few other things as well, like options for a full screen, have the speed level increase as the user progresses through the game automatically, having an option for different sounds instead of that piano like sound,
an option for several players, and a high score might be a good idea too.
I don't think I'll bother though for such a trivial game, unless I decide to revamp it for iOS or andoid that is. :lol: