Hi all. I have a certain png file I'm using to test my app:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/10392115/sfImageTest_4hjki73cd.png, and loadFromFile simply will not load it (returns false). My app works with another png image though. The failed image will load in windows photo gallery, IrfanView, and Firefox, so the file is valid. I'd like to get a few people to please try to load this particular image (as a sf::Image, not texture) and give me some feedback on whether it works for you. I'm pretty sure it's not an error in my code but I'll post it anyway. Using SFML-2.0-rc binaries, but downloading latest snapshot right now. My system is Windows Vista 32 bit edition, but running on a AMD Turion 64 dual core laptop (That's just the way the oem set it up :-/) with integrated graphics ATI Radeon X 1200 chipset, OpenGL 2.0 with software shader emulation. The compiler is MS Visual Studio 2010, but like I said I'm just using the RC binaries for now. When I get back home to my other PC next week I'll post an update.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int xmain(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 3) return 1;
sf::Image img;
string src, dest;
src = argv[1];
dest = argv[2];
if (!img.loadFromFile(src)) return 2;
if (!img.saveToFile(dest)) return 3;
else return 0;