I hate necro-ing this thread, but I have a whole new bulk of updates!
First off, we're adding more and more GUI functionality. Starting with a new menu look, with a snazzy new logo!
and animation
Secondly, we have new in-game gui, health and attack icons, as well as improved dialogs (not shown here).
You can also see some sample artwork, and some foreground layer testing
(with new player sprite)
And for now, lastly: we have new inventory system, that even organizes itself!
We're getting really close to having solid Entities, you can talk to them and receive items, or run custom scripts that can access almost any function in our game.
Some future info and our goals: We're aiming for Gauntlet style still, but maybe more RPG than we previously thought. Although not bad, we're still trying to find the balance between hack 'n slash and old school Layed-back RPG. I figure, we'll have something along the lines of Diablo. (Which is one of our favorite games :p )
You'll have completely optional quests/stories. Want to give up a mission and kill an important NPC? Go ahead.
Want to become evil and forget saving the world? Have fun
We're aiming for complete control on the game. We'll also feature open modding/script editing and even level making.
Also, here's the current list of our source files for the game only.
There are alot more updates/improvements since last post, but these are the coolest, and most noticeable.
List of what you CAN do so far:
Add and interact with NPC's. (Support for custom ones, or just one from a standard definition)
Add and interact (kill) Enemies. (Same support as NPC)
Adding dialogs/items via scripts.
Attacking system with primary/secondary attacks, with damage based off gear.
Health system, with cool GUI.
Popup text when entering levels (or for anything really).
Full level editor, with multiple layer support, each level having it's own layer count, and variable level size. (can handle quite alot with our optimizations).
Full Item editor program.
Each level supports it's own TileSheet (soon to be multiple)
Enemies/NPC's are completely resizable, as long as it's realistic :p
Settings file, complete with key-binds.
Custom LUA scripting support with TONS of functions that can manipulate almost all of our games.
We're STILL looking for an artist, the art you see is done by me, and I'm by NO means an artist...