« on: June 19, 2010, 03:39:12 am »
i made my own lib from a project i want to use in the future and it was giving me a bunch of undefined refs so i made it a dll instead of a static lib and now it only gives me this error
obj\Release\ScriptConsole.o:ScriptConsole.cpp:(.text$_ZN3gui6ButtonD1Ev[gui::Button::~Button()]+0xe): undefined reference to `vtable for gui::Button'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
here is the Button class
#ifndef _BUTTON_H
#define _BUTTON_H
#include "UIState.h"
namespace gui
class DLL_EXPORT Button
Button( float x, float y, float w, float h, std::string lua_script = "", std::string text = "" );
void SetPosition(float x, float y);
void Render(sf::RenderWindow& window);
void Update();
void LetLuaUpdate(bool let) { _luaUpdate = let; }
void Lock() { _locked = true; }
void UnLock() { _locked = false; }
inline bool Clicked();
inline bool Hovering();
inline bool Locked() { return _locked; }
void SetText(std::string text);
float GetX() const { return _rect.Left; }
float GetY() const { return _rect.Top; }
float GetH() const { return _rect.GetHeight(); }
float GetW() const { return _rect.GetWidth(); }
sf::Font _font;
sf::Shape _button;
sf::Shape _hoverRect;
std::string _textStr;
std::string _luaScript;
sf::String _text;
bool _locked;
bool _luaUpdate;
sf::FloatRect _rect;
UIState* _ui;
LuaManager* _lua;
and the cpp file
#include "Button.h"
using namespace gui;
Button::Button(float x, float y, float w, float h, std::string lua_script, std::string text)
_textStr = text;
_luaScript = lua_script;
_luaUpdate = true;
_font.LoadFromFile("system.ttf", 20);
_text.SetCenter((_text.GetRect().Left + (_text.GetRect().Right - _text.GetRect().Left)/2),
(_text.GetRect().Top + (_text.GetRect().Bottom - _text.GetRect().Top)/2));
SetPosition(x, y);
Button::~Button() {}
void Button::Render(sf::RenderWindow& window)
void Button::SetPosition(float x, float y)
_rect.Left = x;
_rect.Right = x + _rect.GetWidth();
_rect.Top = y;
_rect.Bottom = y + _rect.GetHeight();
_button = sf::Shape::Rectangle(_rect.Left, _rect.Top, _rect.Right, _rect.Bottom, sf::Color(200, 200, 200));
_hoverRect = sf::Shape::Rectangle(_rect.Left, _rect.Top, _rect.Right, _rect.Bottom, sf::Color(0,0,200,60));
_text.SetPosition(_rect.Left + _rect.GetWidth()/2, _rect.Top + _rect.GetHeight()/2);
void Button::Update()
_ui->itemActive = 2;
bool Button::Clicked()
return (
_ui->mouseX >= _rect.Left &&
_ui->mouseX <= _rect.Right &&
_ui->mouseY >= _rect.Top &&
_ui->mouseY <= _rect.Bottom &&
_ui->mouseDown &&
_ui->itemActive <= 1 // only allow one click a click (lol)
bool Button::Hovering()
return (
_ui->mouseX >= _rect.Left &&
_ui->mouseX <= _rect.Right &&
_ui->mouseY >= _rect.Top &&
_ui->mouseY <= _rect.Bottom
void Button::SetText(std::string text)