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General / Qt Creator and sfml
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:10:09 am »
hi i just had a quick question, i am using sfml with qt and everything is working fine except the images from sfml show up white when rendered in the window. i make sure that they load. they show up because i clear the color to green and they show up white with out am image... i was wondering if this was qt related or not. i use the qt creator to compile it but i configured it with the msvc2008 compiler so i think it uses that. i link against libs made in vc++ and im using sfml2

ok i had solved this for one of the windows but now my second child window will not load the image lol any one have an idea?

General / link error
« on: June 19, 2010, 03:39:12 am »
i made my own lib from a project i want to use in the future and it was giving me a bunch of undefined refs so i made it a dll instead of a static lib and now it only gives me this error

obj\Release\ScriptConsole.o:ScriptConsole.cpp:(.text$_ZN3gui6ButtonD1Ev[gui::Button::~Button()]+0xe): undefined reference to `vtable for gui::Button'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

here is the Button class

Code: [Select]

#ifndef _BUTTON_H
#define _BUTTON_H

#include "UIState.h"

namespace gui
    class DLL_EXPORT Button
            Button( float x, float y, float w, float h, std::string lua_script = "", std::string text = "" );

            void SetPosition(float x, float y);
            void Render(sf::RenderWindow& window);
            void Update();

            void LetLuaUpdate(bool let) { _luaUpdate = let; }

            void Lock()     { _locked = true;   }
            void UnLock()   { _locked = false;  }

            inline bool Clicked();
            inline bool Hovering();
            inline bool Locked()    { return _locked; }

            void SetText(std::string text);
            float GetX() const { return _rect.Left;         }
            float GetY() const { return _rect.Top;          }
            float GetH() const { return _rect.GetHeight();  }
            float GetW() const { return _rect.GetWidth();   }

            sf::Font        _font;
            sf::Shape       _button;
            sf::Shape       _hoverRect;
            std::string     _textStr;
            std::string     _luaScript;
            sf::String      _text;
            bool            _locked;
            bool            _luaUpdate;
            sf::FloatRect   _rect;
            UIState*        _ui;
            LuaManager*     _lua;


and the cpp file

Code: [Select]

#include "Button.h"

using namespace gui;

Button::Button(float x, float y, float w, float h, std::string lua_script, std::string text)

    _textStr = text;
    _luaScript = lua_script;
    _luaUpdate = true;
    _font.LoadFromFile("system.ttf", 20);

_text.SetCenter((_text.GetRect().Left + (_text.GetRect().Right - _text.GetRect().Left)/2),
(_text.GetRect().Top + (_text.GetRect().Bottom - _text.GetRect().Top)/2));


    SetPosition(x, y);

Button::~Button() {}

void Button::Render(sf::RenderWindow& window)

void Button::SetPosition(float x, float y)
    _rect.Left = x;
    _rect.Right = x + _rect.GetWidth();
    _rect.Top = y;
    _rect.Bottom = y + _rect.GetHeight();
    _button = sf::Shape::Rectangle(_rect.Left, _rect.Top, _rect.Right, _rect.Bottom, sf::Color(200, 200, 200));

_hoverRect = sf::Shape::Rectangle(_rect.Left, _rect.Top, _rect.Right, _rect.Bottom, sf::Color(0,0,200,60));

_text.SetPosition(_rect.Left + _rect.GetWidth()/2, _rect.Top + _rect.GetHeight()/2);

void Button::Update()
            _ui->itemActive = 2;

bool Button::Clicked()
    return (
_ui->mouseX >= _rect.Left   &&
_ui->mouseX <= _rect.Right  &&
_ui->mouseY >= _rect.Top    &&
_ui->mouseY <= _rect.Bottom &&
_ui->mouseDown              &&
_ui->itemActive <= 1          // only allow one click a click (lol)

bool Button::Hovering()
    return (
_ui->mouseX >= _rect.Left   &&
_ui->mouseX <= _rect.Right  &&
_ui->mouseY >= _rect.Top    &&
_ui->mouseY <= _rect.Bottom

void Button::SetText(std::string text)

SFML projects / 3d game engine
« on: May 09, 2010, 04:19:54 pm »
i've been working on a 3d game engine for a few months now and it uses sfml for window and input, i made my own 3d model format and an exporter for blender and im currently working on creating a scripting language/engine for it. writing a scripting language is super hard and i may abort the mission lol but my engine currently supports a small amount of things. lighting, texturing, billboarding, 3d model loading ( 3ds, md2, cell(mine), obj ), input, game states, 3d math and some sound. much more to come

Graphics / Unexpected error at window.Clear();
« on: May 09, 2010, 05:58:20 am »
i have an unexpected error at window.Clear and it is only with projects that i recently compiled cause i can still run old exes.

Code: [Select]

_window.Clear();// fail here

any help would be nice

Window / delay in key presses(for movement)
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:54:05 am »
there is a delay in key presses, i have tried 2 different things the first one was using an input and getting a bool for the key pressed

Code: [Select]

void Player::Move(const sf::Input &input)
if( input.IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Up ))
m_yVel -= m_speed;

else if(input.IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Down ))
m_yVel += m_speed;

else if(input.IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Left ))
m_xVel -= m_speed;

else if(input.IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Right ))
m_xVel += m_speed;

if( input.IsKeyDown( sf::Key::A ))
weapon->Add(new Knife(m_x, m_y));

then i tried to do the switch statement taking an event

Code: [Select]

if(Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
case sf::Key::Up:
m_yVel -= m_speed;
case sf::Key::Down:
m_yVel += m_speed;
case sf::Key::Right:
m_xVel += m_speed;
case sf::Key::Left:
m_xVel -= m_speed;
if(Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
case sf::Key::Right:
m_xVel = 0;
case sf::Key::Left:
m_xVel = 0;
case sf::Key::Up:
m_yVel = 0;
case sf::Key::Down:
m_yVel = 0;

ps the first one i decrease the accel in the main eventhandling function

There is only a delay when you switch form left to right or up to down with out releasing the previous button first and it is like a 1/2 sec delay and if any of my friends play i dont want them complaining so HELP!!

Audio / sf::Sound internal OpenAL error in soundbuffer.cpp [Solved]
« on: March 08, 2010, 02:51:50 am »
when i play a sound about 1000 times it gives me the error and the sound goes away

my code

Code: [Select]

sf::Sound m_sound;

//this returns the sound buffer for the hit sound

 * the function above
 * sf::SoundBuffer &SoundManager::GetSoundBuffer(int id)
 * {
 * return m_buffers[id];  // an array of buffers for the sounds
 * }

//when added to weapon manager
WeaponManager::Add(Entity *weapon)

this is a sound that is located in a knife class that gets added to a vector in my weapon manager when throwen and will play the kife's sound when it is added

so if there is anything i can do

Graphics / drawing a sprite to an image
« on: January 02, 2010, 06:05:06 pm »
i want to draw a sprite on to an image so i can draw a bunch of sprites then display the image

i tried sprite.draw( image )

here i was drawing to an image i created, im doing this because im putting tiles on the entire map with 2 for loops and every frame it needs to redraw the tiles so i wanted to put them to an image ( maby another sprite ) and draw the image every loop hopfully speeding it up a little

i was looking at the doc and could not find anything so if anyone could give me a tip it would be cool

Graphics / clipping and blitting sprite sheets
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:10:36 am »
like in sdl or allegro when you can choose a portion of the sprite sheet and draw it to the screen, if there is a way to do this already correct me

Graphics / setting a transparent color
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:08:04 am »
i need to know how to set a transparent color so that i can have a sprite not in a block, how do you go about doing this

i mean like in sdl when you set (255, 0, 255) aka pink to be transparent is there a way in sfml?

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