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Messages - Mad

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SFML projects / Re: NetEXT - .NET Extension Library based on Thor
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:39:49 pm »

Can someone give me a small example how to use AnimatedText ?
I can not find examples, neither at Thor nor NetExt  :(


If you are talking about making text animations such as text flying in off the screen, showing letters one at a time, and so on your out of luck. You would need to design those animations yourself, the reason AnimatedText exists is to only allow Text objects to be applied to the animation module.

Well, that was my intension.  8) ok, out of luck...and I went back to coding  ::)

SFML projects / Re: NetEXT - .NET Extension Library based on Thor
« on: September 27, 2013, 03:39:32 pm »

Can someone give me a small example how to use AnimatedText ?
I can not find examples, neither at Thor nor NetExt  :(


SFML projects / Re: NetEXT - .NET Extension Library based on Thor
« on: September 23, 2013, 09:01:56 pm »
Man, you are quick.  :D Thanks!
One question: didn't the constructors in class Distribution<ValueType> have to be public?

SFML projects / Re: NetEXT - .NET Extension Library based on Thor
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:34:35 am »
Hello zsbzsb,

first, thank you for the c# port!  :D

I may be wrong, but I have possible found a bug in the particlesystem AddAffector.
If I add more than one affector without parameter TimeTo Live (using only the constructor AddAffector(AffectorBase NewAffector) ), only the first affector is added because
_affector.Contains(affector) returns allways true.

     public void AddAffector(AffectorBase NewAffector, long TimeToLive)
            TimeLink<ExpiringTime, AffectorBase> affector = new TimeLink<ExpiringTime, AffectorBase>(new ExpiringTime(TimeToLive), NewAffector);
            if (!_affectors.Contains(affector))

I have also two questions:
- the math distributions is not implemented, right? So, I can not write something like
emitter.setParticlePosition( thor::Distributions::circle(center, radius) );   // Emit particles in given circle
- any plans to add the AnimationAffector ? :-)

@Lamonte: Problem solved, good to here.  8)

@zsbzsb: Sure, you are right, I forgot the unmanaged -evil  ;) - part in the background  :)

This is not a bug in CSFML or even C#. This is the way structs are handled in the CLR. When you use the default empty constructor on structs everything in the struct will be assigned 0/null depending on the member type. Also there is no way to overload the empty constructor in structs so you must call an overloaded constructor with SFML.

Maybe you misunderstand me. You can call an overloaded constructor, but if it's possible to access a property/var from outside  and assign a value to it (because it is declared as public), the value should be stored, right? :-)
so if I can write this code:
state = new RenderStates( );
state.BlendMode = BlendMode.None;

BlendMode should have the value 'None' and not undefined/default....
maybe it would be better to use a property without a setter.
public BlendMode BlendMode
                    return _Value;

so now, you can not set BlendMode without using the constructor.  ;)

Why are you using sf::BlendAdd. everywhere when I was using sf::BlendNone?
BlendNone will apply the content directly, thus making the rendertexture transparent at specific points. ;)

Right!  :) But also state.BlendMode = BlendMode.Add; ist not working!
state = new RenderStates( BlendMode.None);
If you use
state = new RenderStates( );
state.BlendMode = BlendMode.None;
it also doen't work. This seems to be a bug in CSFML....

DotNet / Re: Map and Map Editor
« on: September 13, 2013, 09:27:42 pm »
Cool, glad to see someone is using this (c/o google 8)). I've also been thinking of making a generic XNA/MonoGame renderer to go along with it.
Let me know if you have any problems, or use it in any projects.

Ha, Marshall. You got me!  8)
Ist a very good lib! Thank for sharing it.
If wrote a little map render for the basics in C#/sfml. Still now :)
Thank you for your feedback!


DotNet / Re: Map and Map Editor
« on: September 06, 2013, 03:34:27 pm »
I found a working solution.  :)

If someone else is looking for a mapreader reading maps from the Tiled editor ( http://www.mapeditor.org/ )
grab it here: https://github.com/marshallward/TiledSharp

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: September 06, 2013, 02:56:56 pm »
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Havn't seen it yet.
Locks very good so far!!  :)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:29:01 pm »
looks nice so far!

Some explosions with splitter would be nice, fire effects aso.  8)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:06:18 pm »
Ah!  :D
so this way, you create a sprite for each particle?

In my code I only create one sprite at the beginning and use this instance to draw all particles.
Not sure if it is a good approach, but it's seems to be faster and less ressouce hungry.  ::)

But my code is not clean at the moment and no time to work on it at currently  :-\

Yep that would be the better approach so we aren't wasting resources  ;)

I'll make sure the new examples reflects that.

So we can set the focus on groovy amazing and visionary effects soon ???   8)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:00:17 pm »
Ah!  :D
so this way, you create a sprite for each particle?

In my code I only create one sprite at the beginning and use this instance to draw all particles.
Not sure if it is a good approach, but it's seems to be faster and less ressouce hungry.  ::)

But my code is not clean at the moment and no time to work on it at currently  :-\

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: September 01, 2013, 01:17:12 pm »
Hi there!  :)

I will be adding a lot to it over the course of Sunday-Monday so watch for updates  8). I will also be making a separate post about it later -- let me know if you think there should be different ways of doing things.

First I have to say: Good structured souce code, mate!  :)

At the moment you use CircleShape for the smoke effect. Some plans to integrate texture effects?
I will have a deeper look later.  :)

DotNet / Re: Map and Map Editor
« on: August 31, 2013, 07:53:26 am »
I found some classes for Tiled, but all seems to be rather old.
They are no more working with the latest Tiled version.  :-\

Tiled XML format definition is a little bit incomplete and the given DTD file (hell, yeah! Great!) is 'This file is not up-to-date but might be useful for XML-namespacing anyway.' (hell, nononoooooo!).

it's a pity  :o

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