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Messages - David

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SFML projects / Re: SWEET!
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:55:29 pm »
Quote from: "Haikarainen"
Quote from: "David"

Yea, I don't really care about the background being black, but it just looks too weird when it's only partially black and blocky  :wink:

On a side note, your website is AMAZING! :D  I can never get php to work on my computer, so my website is pretty much a dud. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: Now it looks just like the "cleaner" version

And about the uploads, it's because most websites where you upload images (such as imgur) have a link that says "Share"

I'm just spoiled by that, that's all. But it wouldn't hurt to make a "Share" button that creates a BBCode tag automatically for this forum. That would be awesome

EDIT: This is probably gonna be the last time I'll request stuff, but:

-Can you temporarily keep the user logged in? Or make a remember username/login (It says "This site uses cookies" on the bottom  :wink: )

Thanks alot man :D Glad to hear my work is appreciated.

Regarding the sharethingy for pictures: Ill get right on that ;)

On your serverissue:
If you run windows, WAMP 2.0 is a very nice serversoftware kit.. Its basically Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpmyadmin in a simple installer.
If you run Linux, i can hint you that in debian(and probably ubuntu too), the following command installs all of it : "apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin", since phpmyadmin is dependent of apache and php with mysql-modules, and mysql-server installs a mysqlserver for it ;)

EDIT: Yeah, been thinking about that too, just gotta pull my finger out of my ass and find the session-timeout for php/apache :P

I think I tried WAMP at some point. I might've lost it somehow :P
I'll try again. Someday I'll get it to work  :twisted:

EDIT: Another small thing: The thumbnail seems to crop the image instead of shrinking it

SFML projects / Re: SWEET!
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:28:28 pm »
Quote from: "Haikarainen"
Quote from: "David"
This is amazing

I can finally upload stuff to a website that's not blocked :D

Couple of bugs:

1. When you upload an image with a transparent background, some weird black squares covers it up

2. How the heck can you share the uploads? (EDIT: I figured it out)

Here it is:
(with the weird black squares)

And here's the cleaner version:


For some reason, the edges look a little aliased, but shrinking it would make it better

Thanks alot :) I have (almost) fixed the issue now, the thumbnails will still have a black background for now(until ive fixex it), but the "whole" pics should look ok.

Regarding the uploads, I'm wondering if it is REALLY hard to figure that out, or were you just unfortunate? I want everyone to know how to use this site :P

Edit; Belive it or not, i cant really see the cleaner version, only the owners of the picture can download the original :P

Yea, I don't really care about the background being black, but it just looks too weird when it's only partially black and blocky  :wink:

On a side note, your website is AMAZING! :D  I can never get php to work on my computer, so my website is pretty much a dud. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: Now it looks just like the "cleaner" version

And about the uploads, it's because most websites where you upload images (such as imgur) have a link that says "Share"

I'm just spoiled by that, that's all. But it wouldn't hurt to make a "Share" button that creates a BBCode tag automatically for this forum. That would be awesome

EDIT: This is probably gonna be the last time I'll request stuff, but:

1. Can you temporarily keep the user logged in? Or make a remember username/login (It says "This site uses cookies" on the bottom  :wink: )

2. Can you have a "Delete" button with the file?

SFML projects / SWEET!
« on: June 15, 2011, 01:05:14 pm »
This is amazing

I can finally upload stuff to a website that's not blocked :D

Couple of bugs:

1. When you upload an image with a transparent background, some weird black squares covers it up

2. How the heck can you share the uploads? (EDIT: I figured it out)

Here it is:
(with the weird black squares)

And here's the cleaner version:


For some reason, the edges look a little aliased, but shrinking it would make it better

SFML projects / My 1st project xD
« on: June 15, 2011, 12:52:07 pm »
Can't you just compile it all together?

Graphics / Paint
« on: June 15, 2011, 03:54:07 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
well... u want me to draw 923592592 lines and remember it all ?Any other ideas?

How do you implement undo/redo ? ;)

Anyway, you should switch to SFML 2. Drawing to an image is the only other solution, and it is not available in SFML 1.

What do you mean by drawing to an image?

You can make a pixel-sized image and create a dynamic array so you'll be able to undo/redo and save. If the pixels aren't limited to the FPS (maybe you can make it a triple digit number, I haven't tested this out), it should work out. You can also create a funky algorithm that creates a line made up of more pixels if there happens to be a gap between them

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 15, 2011, 03:28:10 am »
Quote from: "AlexRAwesome"
I agree with Ceylo (About the preference to David's work, that is)

Cpl. Bator is pretty decent. It's the gears I don't get. Plus it's blue. Where's the green? :?

Plus it doesn't look like it would blend in with the website. Other than that, it's good

@David, perhaps you should shrink the border around the icons and borders. It gives it a weird cartoon shading feel to it

Jajaja, it's kinda the point of cel shading :wink:

Although on a side note, the logo COULD look a little more professional if I thin the borders, although I fear that it'll look kinda weird (I'll probably make them translucent to make it blend in to whatever it's going to be placed in)

Graphics / [SOLVED] Small Collision problem
« on: June 10, 2011, 03:04:29 am »
I tried to make a collision between two rectangles for a platformer and tried to create gravity

But whenever he lands on the ground, the person starts to vibrate rapidly

Minimum Code:

Code: [Select]

        gravity += 2;

        Main.Move(0, gravity*App.GetFrameTime());

 while (Collision::BoundingBoxTest(Main, Ground) == true){
        Main.Move(0, -2);
        gravity = 0;

         if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Up)){
        gravity = -400;

Also, is there a much simpler way to jump without using insane numbers?

EDIT: I just fixed it

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:44:26 pm »
Quote from: "henrikno"
I like the new logos :)

Btw, you should try hosting the images with http://imgur.com/

Like I said, I'm on my school computer, which blocks a lot of useful sites :(

But thanks, anyways  :D

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 08:00:44 pm »
Thanks! :D

Like I said, I might vectorize it at some point to refine the edges

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 07:48:21 pm »
Since I had no idea what you were talking about, I just uploaded to my previous site, and I'm pretty sure that there are no ads:




*Click on the image for the same reason as last time*

I'm probably gonna end up vectorizing them to make them look cleaner

EDIT: Oops, I completely looked over your suggestion

JSFML (with smaller cup):

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 07:34:45 pm »
With transparent background (I hope):




*Click to show the transparent background & better quality*

And scroll down ASAP to avoid the "NSFW" ads that's blocked on my comp :P

EDIT: Jajaja, if you click on the Feature Gallery tab, a warning pops up saying that they don't filter the obscene images, which probably explains why there's creepy ads

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 07:08:59 pm »
Quote from: "Nexus"
This begins to please me ;)

What I find a little bit disadvantageous is that the ruby/cup of coffee are so close to the neighbored symbols (that was already a problem at the original JSFML logo). It's a little bit too much on that small space... However I don't know where else to place the ruby/cup of coffee :?

I think I may have a solution to that

Disch: Holy crap i never knew that  :shock:

Sorry, I can't see the ads, and it's one of the rare non-blocked sites where you can upload images

BTW the background is optional and only for show. I have the psd and can upload it if my design gets picked

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:48:44 pm »
Quote from: "Groogy"
Hmm if yours is selected would you like to make one for rbSFML too? ^^
Like for the Java bindings but with a Ruby instead of a cup of coffee :P


It's not selected, but whatever


General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 02:43:44 pm »
Quote from: "Jove"
Quote from: "David"
What do you mean?

Does your browser block Picamatic?

Firefox, Opera and IE9 all seem to be :(

Wow, that sucks :(

I can't use Imageshack or that other one because it's blocked on my school computer (I'm in school atm)

I'll keep looking for another one

EDIT: Is the website blocked? Click on the image with the website that I posted and see if you're able to see it (it's the very last one I posted,  above where it says *Click to Enlarge*)

Here. I hope this works:

EDIT: Holy crud, the quality is insanely poor

Try clicking on them for MUCH better quality

Maybe I'll implement Flash with my logo for an awesome effect

General discussions / A new logo for SFML
« on: June 09, 2011, 02:31:16 pm »
What do you mean?

Does your browser block Picamatic?

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