Lo-X: Generally, you can link the physical objects to their scene node counterparts, e.g.
Aircraft (or
Entity if it applies to all entities). A world object could be kept in
World; if the entities need pointers to it, you can pass them in the constructor or later via one-time commands. Unfortunately, I don't know Box2D well enough to give more concrete advice. There are certainly people who are experienced with it, and since it's a design discussion, you might want to open your own thread
timo777: The VS 2012 errors should be fixed. Check the next section:
Code on GitHubConcerning the code base accompanying the book, there was some confusion with its distribution and license, which we intend to clarify by making the code available in a GitHub repository owned by Laurent:
https://github.com/SFML/SFML-Game-Development-BookUpon request from several users, we added a license that allows you to use the code freely (it only forbids commercial use). Therefore, don't hesitate to extend it and build your own projects