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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #75 on: August 01, 2013, 08:59:13 am »
Working on it right now actually! I'll post it pretty soon!
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #76 on: August 01, 2013, 09:48:34 am »
I think I covered everything needed for this particular game jam. Once we have a method of scoring I'll tackle that beast again, but for now here are the rules and info. Let me know if there are still questions/things I missed.

The jam will start 15 UTC August 2nd  and end 72 hours later on August 4th.

The theme will be announced 14 UTC, allowing people a little time to plan for their game so that most of the 72 hours can be spent creating it.

Submission Info:
A link to source is required when submitting. (open source is good for the soul, man.)
A link to a playable version of the game for either Windows, Mac, or Linux is required when submitting. This must include the executable and all assets/extras needed to run the game.
Games with NSFW or shocking content must be marked as such.
You are allowed to submit as early as you want, but there is now reward for doing so.

1. You can work on a team of two, or by yourself. Must be stated when submitting.
2. You only have 72 hours to create both the code and the audio/graphic assets of your project. Pre-made fonts are allowed.
3. Game must be based on the theme ,but how the theme is interpreted is up to you!
4. Any programming language may be used, as long as SFML(or one of its bindings) is used.
5. External libraries are allowed, but not SFML's competitors, such as GLFW, SDL, Allegro, etc. The use of OpenGL is allowed, however.
6. We encourage the use any of the code posted in https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Sources, you may bind it to your language of choice, as long as you give credit to the original author.
7. Porting to other OS's after the 72 hour mark is allowed and encouraged!

For the first SFML Game Jam, there will not be any kind of score presented. Just go out and have a blast!
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #77 on: August 01, 2013, 10:22:21 am »
The use of OpenGL is allowed, however.
Despite all the arguments in this thread? Note that after the discussion, the majority of people stated they would forbid OpenGL; those who were in favor of it had no arguments besides personal preference. Please don't just ignore the discussion here to enforce a questionable rule.

As mentioned, it would be a nice opportunity to show some pure SFML games. There are masses of OpenGL games, why focus on them in the SFML community?
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #78 on: August 01, 2013, 10:46:09 am »
Where will the theme be displayed ? In this thread or the theme-relative one ?


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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #79 on: August 01, 2013, 10:46:39 am »
those who were in favor of it had no arguments besides personal preference
3D games often use SDL even if they don't at all intend on using 2D because it allows 'easy input and window and context creation' and so on. Allowing it could send nice message to people who don't know SFML.

There are masses of OpenGL games, why focus on them in the SFML community?
Because that's what SFML.Window is for, it's replacement candidate for GLFW, GLUT and SDL for context and inputs and it's useless without OpenGL.
You are basically forbidding/sabotaging one of the 4 main packages by a rule that really says 'if you use sf::Window you can't display a thing in it'.
Window is meant for OpenGL, it's not like you're connecting whatever-3drendering-engine to SFML, this is intended use for that package.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 10:48:20 am by FRex »
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #80 on: August 01, 2013, 10:53:42 am »
With the same argumentation, one could say SFML.Graphics is useless if you handle graphics in OpenGL.

There are many libraries that provide access to OpenGL, SFML is in no way specific here. In order to push SFML, one should focus on the strenghts and the differences from other libraries. Among those is the Graphics package, which allows very efficient high-level and low-level access to graphics. It's probably the most often used module, and with its clean API it is the SFML flagship; not using it would be a missed opportunity.
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #81 on: August 01, 2013, 11:08:20 am »
But it doesn't allow 3D and it never will, and it's not like everyone will suddenly use OpenGL and hide the fact SFML has good Graphics module just because it's allowed, they don't know OpenGL at all, I don't know it at all, I don't use SFML.Window. Graphics is the most often used module because OpenGL is not for newbies and audio and network are second rate concerns that can be added later into a game, game with just graphics is ok, game with just network and audio isn't, many people just start with SFML.Graphics and don't ever get past that stage to semi-finished game, let alone get to stage where they use Audio, Network or OpenGL. People don't want OpenGL because they are scared that good OpenGL programmer will come and mop the floor with them and their 2D games with his 3D game. I honestly doubt someone will do something nice with OpenGL in such short time but the rule is just controversial 'use Graphics module, its nice and clean and easy to use' then why is it forced?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 11:11:27 am by FRex »
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #82 on: August 01, 2013, 11:46:49 am »
The jam will start 15 UTC August 2nd  and end 72 hours later on August 4th.
To my understanding, there is only 48 hours between August 2nd and August 4th.
Did I missed something ?


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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #83 on: August 01, 2013, 11:48:26 am »
Nothing to do with actual OpenGL discussion, but it would be nice if some of us were making a livrestream.

I'll probably use twitch.tv to stream me as much as possible. I'll have a #Ludum Dare tag since it needs a game name and names are pre-defined.

here is the link to the channel :

Note : I'm french so if I can understand english, I've a terrible accent :p

The jam will start 15 UTC August 2nd  and end 72 hours later on August 4th.
To my understanding, there is only 48 hours between August 2nd and August 4th.
Did I missed something ?

Well spoted, I think it's ending monday the 5th instead, no ?


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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #84 on: August 01, 2013, 03:32:02 pm »
FRex, I think it has been discussed enough. Arguments for both sides have been brought -- focusing on "using OpenGL for graphic doesn't show SFML's capabilities/it's not a SFML game" vs. "SFML allows the usage of OpenGL, so we must allow it"). There were more arguments against OpenGL, and in my impression also more people supporting a pure SFML game. Nevertheless a single person eventually decided to include OpenGL (without pointing out the reasons for this decision). That's what I find a bit sad; the discussion in this thread is pointless if the community's requests are ignored. Thus, I hope for the next jam there will be more people in charge of the organization and the rules, and the process will be more democratic.

That's just my opinion. Nevertheless, thanks for organizing this jam, it's really a nice idea. I wish everybody who participates good luck! :)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 03:38:20 pm by Nexus »
Zloxx II: action platformer
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #85 on: August 01, 2013, 03:51:25 pm »
That's just my opinion. Nevertheless, thanks for organizing this jam, it's really a nice idea. I wish everybody who participates good luck! :)

Ill kick your asses into the ground !

Hum... I wish I'll finish my game in the 72h, that's a great challenge.
Indeed that's a nice idea and I thank Jebbs for handling it. And indeed more people in charge would also mean less work for one person.

Good luck everybody !


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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #86 on: August 02, 2013, 04:11:54 am »
The jam will start 15 UTC August 2nd  and end 72 hours later on August 4th.
To my understanding, there is only 48 hours between August 2nd and August 4th.
Did I missed something ?

Wowee! How'd I miss that?

Yeah, it will end 72 hours after the start on August 2nd, which I guess would be august 5th. Hopefully this doesn't mess anyone up!

And about OpenGL, the reason I ultimately decided to allow it is because I thought it would be a ridiculous restriction to force people to only make 2D games. That's about it, actually. I didn't mean to ignore anyone and I hope no one feels that way! With the jam starting tomorrow I just went with my gut on it so that we had a final say. After this jam I would be totally open to going over any rules people want to change, add, etc. I'm also ok with a committee of some kind!

Indeed that's a nice idea and I thank Jebbs for handling it. And indeed more people in charge would also mean less work for one person.

You're welcome! To be honest, it wasn't really that much work. My math professor just enjoys giving me more homework than I can really handle so I spend all my free time doing that. :P

Thanks to everyone that helped me out too! I hope this will be the stat of something awesome!

I'll be starting a thread tomorrow to announce the theme, in roughly 11 hours from now! After that I'll start a thread for submissions. Livestreams are welcome! I enjoy watching those.
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Re: SFML Game Jam
« Reply #87 on: August 02, 2013, 10:28:46 am »
I won't be able to participate in this jam, but I wish everybody the best of luck! I'll definitly try to be in the next one.
I think it's a good idea to collect feedback after the jams and change the rules based on it and some more democratic decisions :) never the less thanks to jebbs for taking the lead and organizing this!

