Thanks for the good vibes, guys
Wow, art looks really cool.
I tried to play your game, but it crashes for me after I press "Play". Grid appears and then some rectangles and it all crashes. Would like to check the game out, though.
That's... weird.
Can you describe to me what appeared on screen, please? How was the grid, and of which size? How were the rectangles? Was the background color blue/cyan?
Or, if you don't mind, can you upload an screenshot?
This has never happened to me, but then again I haven't tested it much. I have a desktop with Win7 and a laptop with Win10, and I have also tested it on my sister's laptop which has Win8, and it's all good on those, but that's all the testing I can do.
By the way, did the main menu (the one with the "Play" button) have any background or was it just a blue color?
Just a suggestion: maybe you should store all your data in English. It looks like your project is very data-driven, which is awesome, but this make it almost impossible to mod for people who don't speak Spanish. And I think that your game may interest some modders.
Yeah, translating the files to english is on my to-do list
Initially I was thinking of just hiding those files, but then I thought: "what the hell, let people do whatever they want". But yeah, I need to translate it.
Also, the format of the data files is made "by hand", because back then (two years ago) I didn't know about XML, JSON or things like that, so undertanding the files may be a little complicated, even after the translation to english. I need to write some instructions or something if I want people to get their hands dirty. Still, my main worry right now is actually finishing the game
So, nice project overall! Would like to be able to play it later (maybe you should make some log file which will help identify the problem).
Thanks a lot!
I have no idea how to make a log file, though. Is there a library to do that or something?
Wow looks so cool! I wish I could play it :/
I'm thinking of doing a Linux build soon (I already have Ubuntu installed, but I have never used SFML on it). A Mac build is more unlikely, as I don't own a Mac machine (unless there's a way to compile for Mac on Windows/Linux, or better yet, a way to compile for all three operating systems on one go.)
As for music, you can find some great ones here for free: and some free sound there (quite well known hehe)
There's no need for that, search for some music there:
Thanks for the links, guys, I'll take a look, because playing a game without music feels so weird to me. I still want to learn how to make music, though.
Yep, very nice. Once tried to make some "paper cutout" graphics as well, although I didn't think of adding scribbles for detail. Makes it even better looking for pretty much no work to be done.
Thanks, glad you like it. I guess the choice to use this art style was due to lazyness more than anything, because it's so quick to draw (and I can't draw better than this anyway, haha).
But I'm curious: How do you draw the island outlines? Haven't had time to try the actual game, but I assume those aren't pre-drawn?
The outline is actually a pretty small line:
It's white so I can change the color using sf::Sprite::setColor().
I have a map editor of sorts. At first it worked with tiles, but I found them to be kind of tedious so eventually I got rid of them and switched to a "free-placement" approach, allowing to place sprites at any position and to change their color, their size and their rotation.
So, the island outlines are made somewhat like this in editor:
It's a little tedious, but I can make islands of any shape without drawing more textures, and considering that I hate drawing, that's good enough for me