No, it doesn't make sense yet. I'm glad I didn't write articles yet, because the API changed massively in the past days.
I'll announce it here when the guide is being written.
That depends on if it will lead to problems. However when having a "newer" compiler you shouldn't run into problems at all. GCC 4.5.2 does already support a lot of C++11's features, but I already found some which are not supported (e.g. range-based for or the "nullptr" constant).
The c++11 branch of SFGUI uses some of those, but I can drop them again. So GCC 4.5.2 will be absolutely no problem.
Regarding using it: In GCC you simply add the "--std=c++0x" flag. It's done automagically in the SFGUI CMake file but needs to be set in your projects, too.
Keep in mind that this hasn't been decided yet.