I'd like to propose to add the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) Coloring to SFML.
I have been investigating HSL Coloring system for a bit, while it's true that it's nowhere near as useful as RGBA is, however it allows easy color transformations such as colorizing an image with a given color in an easy way.
Here's an example:
http://www.tannerhelland.com/3552/colorize-image-vb6/This cannot be done in an easy way with RGB and I think that it would give the library another powerful tool if implemented. I don't think that HSL is good for being able to be used the same way as RGB, yet still to be able to colorize and manipulate colors in that way and give the user that freedom is what gave me the idea to suggest this into SFML.
So what do you think about this? Is it a good idea or not practical at all? I am implementing it myself for my game, but I think it'd be nice to see this in a future version of SFML.